Leave a comment about what you think it looks like. First person who guesses right gets a prize from me! ;) ***Hint***I was born in '81 and I did this at about age 2 or 3.
Okay....so here's the answer!
Check out Tart Brainiac's submission:
Feel free to submit your own drawings of E.T.!
Before the hint I wanted to say it was a ninja turtle. I'm goint to say it was Charlie Brown.
Sorry Octo-Killer, both guesses are wrong. Try again.
Looks like Grog.
Jk. Your artwork's not that hideous (not hideous at all, even).
I'm going to say it's a plate of eggs, sunny side up.
Ahaha! Sorry my unFRIENDLY monster you are wrong. Try again.
So apparently my hints are not enough.
Soooo....here's another one:
It's from a movie during those years.
It's E.T.!!!!! Am I right? Ehhh? Hmmm? Huuuhhh? If not, this comment will be kinda embarrassing.
Ahaha! How would it be embarrassing?! That would just mean I sucked at drawing when I was 2 or 3. Ahaha....you're....I'm gonna wait until Tart Brainiac puts up a guess.
ah oh. mebbe i'm wrong. is it an earless gremlin?
It's totally ET!!!!!!!!!!
"E-e-e-e-ellio-o-o-o-o-ot..." :)
Ahaha! So the winner is...Octo-Killer even though he didn't put the comment up on here.
In my defense, I jotted that in two minutes... and E.T. was standing next to Michael Jackson... so I was distracted!
Damn it. Crafty Hands' sketch at 3 is better than mine at 31. WTH. :|
Don't you dare get in on this, Linz! I know you gonna make my sketch look worse!!! :'(
No! I love it!!!! =D Whenever I'm blue, I can just look at your sketch of E.T. and it'll definitely put a smile...no it'll totally make me crack up! =D
bahahahaa! ninja turtle! man, i was going to guess that, but Octo-Killer's comment threw me off the scent. I see how it is, Octo-Kill, you sneaky dev-yil.
I've seen Nettie's skecthes. O_O I'm still recovering.
Haha, jk. Ya know, it ain't half bad for a self-proclaimed horrible artist. It's pretty good, in fact! I don't think I could've drawn ET any better, to be honest.
Linz: You lying Christian... :/
Crafty: I'm glad my sketches may provide years and years of therapy.
Octo-Kill: You're the silent but deadly type.
I'm gonna redeem myself with another sketch of something! I dunno what... but I shall.............
I came across your site by accident and I just love your blog!I'd say a frog. And what a coincidence! !!I have the same topic on my previous post!"listen to your children!"
Welcome to the blogospere!!
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